Friday, January 1, 2010

Wooden Chest My Dog Chewed Up The Huge Wooden Chest In My House! How Can I Fix It?

My dog chewed up the huge wooden chest in my house! How can I fix it? - wooden chest

My two cents Chihuahua wooden chest in my house and now theres a piece of chewing monitor everyone who enters my house.
How do I solve this problem?
Is there something to hide you buy it at?


Micky-qu... said...

They've started rubbing with sandpaper in his hardware store for pulp wood of the same color or lighter, again, let dry rub and finish with a hint of the same ,,,,,,,,,,,, Wood Finish , but the real answer
Take the dog for a walk, if you are not bored Luvya MQ.

confused chick said...

or U-PVC with a special marker for the wood of the same color. the sale of these markers at The Home Depot, Lowe's, and so on.
or glue or a small piece of wood, paint so that its smooth shave and is aligned with the chest, then.
Hope this helps

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