Sunday, January 17, 2010

Pink Kitchenaid Mixer Mom's, What Do You Really Want For Mother's Day?

Mom's, what do you really want for Mother's day? - pink kitchenaid mixer

I see thousands of questions here as to "what to my mother."
I do not know what my mother, well, I find thinking.
But I do know is that I want the pink KitchenAid mixer and some 20 activities in the catalog of jewelry, $ 99 - $ 999

What do you want?


Lilia said...

A ticket to Hawaii ....

Lilia said...

A ticket to Hawaii ....

jessica l said...

A family day at the beach! I also like to be free to make me, which means that someone is planning to snacks snacks and drinks. Other fees that we have a sunscreen, towels and beach toys meal. Oh, and my husband makes sunscreen for kids this time. Ahhh, that would be a great day. A little spoiled when we were home a nice gesture and a foot massage or neck massage. While donations are wonderful things that are free, but an effort on the part of my family require more money.

sunnycam... said...

one days for me

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