Monday, November 30, 2009

Rabbit Hut Blueprints What Is The Best Way To Toilet Train A Bunny Rabbit In The House -?

What is the best way to toilet train a bunny rabbit in the house -? - rabbit hut blueprints

Life outside the home, but we take it in the house during the day for a few hours. My toilet trained by his friend to bring some of their hay into his hut and rabbits are used as a dip, but the hour does not seem to understand! Ideas?

1 comment:

♥♥ said...

Normally, select a rabbit (or 2) places to urinate / poo

I believe that adherence to these areas and put a litter box with hay and see if it works

Neutering also helps. However, some rabbits can be trained in a

Keep trying!

Good Luck

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